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Inner  Gratitude 

2 Hour Webinar

Learn Powerful Ways Gratitude Can Transform Your Life After Domestic Violence

Register Now to Save Your Spot!


It's not just a webinar; it's the beginning of a new chapter in your life.

Free Inner Gratitude Masterclass


You have courageously left a domestic violence situation and have been working hard to rebuild your life. You might have read books, attended therapy, and joined support groups.
BUT, you still feel something is missing. That missing piece could be 


I'm Jacquie, a domestic violence survivor, and I have discovered the incredible power of gratitude in transforming lives – including my own.

In This Masterclass,

designed specifically for DV Survivors

 You Will  Learn to...

Discover the amazing science behind gratitude:

See how this simple habit can turn your life around, even if you are feeling completely overwhelmed.

Learn that gratitude is more than just saying 'thank you':

It's a powerful tool that can help you regain control, find your inner strength, and rebuild your life on your terms.

Explore little-known gratitude techniques:

Find ways to make peace with your past and create a brighter future for you and your loved ones.

Join a supportive community: Connect with women who understand what you are going through, have faced similar challenges, and are here to support you on your healing journey.

Woman looking back sunflowers

when I look back on the past, 
I will smile and say to myself 
“I never thought I could do it... 
But I did...
I overcame the challenges
that once seemed
overwhelming and that 
never seemed to end.....”

From this day on,

Sound good? Keep reading.....

This Is for you if ....

💜You have bravely stepped out of a domestic violence situation and have been living independently for over a year.


💜You are a mother who has faced the challenges of nurturing your children amidst past turmoil, seeking a brighter future for you and your loved ones.


💜You have managed to escape the cycle of abuse, but find yourself still grappling with fear, anxiety, and the lingering shadows of your past experiences.


💜You are weary of the constant drama that has overshadowed your life, and now seek a tranquil path forward, free from turmoil and filled with serenity.


💜You are currently not in a new relationship, focusing instead on healing and rebuilding your sense of self.


💜You long for a sense of freedom and peace, seeking to transform the echoes of fear into a future brightened by newfound hope and possibilities.


💜You have tried various ways to heal - maybe reading books, attending therapy/counselling, or seeking support from family & friends - yet you still feel something is missing.


💜You are ready for a transformative change but are unsure how to start, scared of falling back into old patterns or not finding the right path to move forward.

Register for the FREE masterclass, and let's take the first step together

towards a future where gratitude

guides you to a fulfilling, joyful, and empowered life.

Hi ......

I’m Jacquie. It is my mission to help guide and inspire survivors on their journey towards healing, happiness and inner freedom.

Jacquie Ross

Ten years ago, I embarked on a transformative journey, one that reshaped my life in profound ways.


 My tool? Gratitude.


This journey wasn't just about expressing thanks; it was about living with a heart full of gratitude every single day. It wasn't easy, especially considering the hardships I faced. Surviving an abusive marriage, raising four incredible boys as a single mother, and navigating the challenges of starting my own business - these experiences tested my strength and resilience.


But here is the beautiful thing: Gratitude   was my anchor. It helped me see light even in the darkest moments. I learned that gratitude is more than words in a journal; it's a way of life. It's about finding joy in small victories, appreciating the growth from struggles, and recognizing the value in every experience.

This FREE masterclass is a reflection of my journey and a gift to you,

to start your own journey towards healing and inner freedom.

Are you open to discovering the strength and serenity that comes from a gratitude-centred life?


To see how this practice can reshape your life?


As someone who has walked this path, I understand the courage it takes to start this journey. I am here to guide and support you every step of the way towards a life filled with gratitude and peace.

Inner Gratitude Quote

There is more......


Experience the Healing Power of Inner Gratitude: Learn how to harness the power of gratitude to heal emotional wounds and foster resilience.

Develop Practical Gratitude Practices: Discover daily practices that can help you stay grounded, reduce stress, and improve your overall well-being.

Build a Positive Mindset: Understand how to shift your focus from past pain to present gratitude, paving the way for a more optimistic outlook on life.

Strengthen Your Emotional Foundation: Gain tools and techniques to strengthen your emotional resilience, helping you face challenges with confidence and calm.


Insight into a Deeper Journey: Get a preview of the profound changes that await in the more extensive 5-day gratitude workshop.

Choose to be grateful

It is TIME to make a COMMITMENT
not just to change, but to


This workshop is more than just a gathering;

it is a starting point for a journey towards deep, lasting change.


Give yourself the gift of beginning a journey towards a life of gratitude, healing, and empowerment.


Are you ready to explore what is possible

with the practice of gratitude?


This FREE 2-hour webinar is just a taste, an introduction to the deeper, more transformative journey, you can undertake in my 5-day course. If you are ready to embark on a journey towards a life transformed by gratitude, joy, and inner peace, I warmly invite you to join me in this journey of transformation and healing.

Don't miss this opportunity!

Spaces are limited

I love for you to be a part of this transformative experience.

Let's embark on this journey of inner gratitude together.


It’s time to break free from the shadows of the past and embrace a life

filled with hope and inner freedom!

Free Gratitude Workshop Anchor


Register Now to Save Your Spot!

Thank you for considering this journey.

Your bravery and willingness to grow inspires me every day.

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