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What is your Story?

Does Your Story Empower You?

Hello, Radiant Warriors


Today we're going to dive deep into a topic that's close to my heart. It's all about the stories we tell ourselves and how they shape our lives. You see, as someone who has walked a path of healing, forgiveness, and inner freedom, I understand the profound impact our stories can have on us.


Let's start with a scenario many of us can relate to in some way. Imagine growing up in a dysfunctional home. The facts are clear; your upbringing was far from ideal, and it may have left scars, but what about the story you've been telling yourself?


The Story: You can't have a good relationship because you grew up in a dysfunctional home.


It's a narrative that might feel familiar to some of you. You might have convinced yourself that your past defines your future, that the dysfunction of your upbringing is a life sentence you must bear. But I'm here to tell you that there's another way to look at it—a more empowering way.


The Truth: Surrounding yourself with stable people and creating a positive environment are important anchors to have in your life because you didn't have either when you were growing up.


This perspective shifts the focus from dwelling on the past to building a brighter future. It acknowledges the challenges you faced but refuses to let those challenges define your entire life. Instead, it recognizes that stability and positivity are crucial, and you have the power to create them in your life, regardless of your upbringing.


You see, our stories have immense power. If we continually repeat a story, we eventually start to believe it, whether it empowers us or not. So, how can we change the narrative to one that empowers us?


1. Stick to the Facts: Acknowledge your past, but don't let it dictate your present or future. Your upbringing was a fact, but it doesn't have to be your entire story.


2. Embrace Temporary, Not Permanent: Realize that your story is not set in stone. It's not a permanent condition but a chapter in your life. Focus on growth and evolution rather than stagnation.


3. Focus on What You Want: Instead of dwelling on what you don't want, focus on what you do want in your life. What kind of relationships, job, and environment do you desire? Envision and work towards those goals.


4. Understand Why It's Important: Dig deep into why these changes are vital to you. Understand the significance of stability, positivity, and healthy relationships in your life.


In my own journey, I've learned that seeing our stories as opportunities for growth and transformation can lead to a more hopeful outlook. It's about rewriting our narratives to be stories of resilience, strength, and triumph over adversity.


So, I encourage you to reflect on your own stories. Ask yourself, does your story empower you? or are they holding you back? Remember, you have the power to change your narrative, to write a story that lifts you up and inspires you to create the life you deserve.


Thank you for joining me today, and always remember, your story is a work in progress, and you have the pen in your hand. Let's write stories that empower us and lead us towards the life we desire.


Wishing You Peace and Healing

Jacquie Ross

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