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Hello   Beautiful!

Holding A Fragile White Butterfly
Jacquie Ross

I'm Jacquie 

My Commitment...

is to empower you to find your voice, recognize your self-worth, and find your authentic self.

I Believe In...

living in gratitude, prioritizing self-love, and practicing forgiveness as essential pathways to achieving inner freedom.

My Vision for you...

is to discover your inner strength and create a life filled with peace, laughter and inner strength.

My Story 

Living in the stunning landscape of Australia, I have embraced my role as a mother to four remarkable sons, each uniquely teaching me about strength, resilience, and the power of unconditional love.


My life has often mirrored a relentless rollercoaster, particularly through the challenging years within an abusive marriage. Those difficult times not only tested my limits but also imparted invaluable lessons in perseverance and self-worth. The decision to escape that toxic environment marked a pivotal turning point, steering me towards a path of healing and self-discovery.


Through my personal trials and the profound journey of reclaiming my life, I unearthed a depth of courage I had not known before and experienced the transformative power of healing from within. These pivotal experiences have not only moulded me into the woman I am today but have also ignited a deep desire to guide others in navigating their own paths out of similar struggles.


This profound sense of internal freedom I have achieved now fuels my commitment to help others find their own liberation and fulfilment. As I continue to grow and learn, I am dedicated to empowering others to discover the same sense of renewal and possibility that has profoundly shaped my life.

Why I Decided To Become A Coach 

Inner Freedom

The decision to become a Coach stems deeply from my own experiences and the transformative journey that followed. Having lived through the hardships of an abusive marriage, I know too well the shadows that can loom over one’s life, clouding hope and self-worth. It was through my personal struggle and eventual recovery that I discovered the profound impact that understanding, empathy, and the right support can have on one’s ability to reclaim their life.


The term 'Inner Freedom' holds a special significance for me. It represents more than just overcoming emotional and mental barriers; it's about achieving a deep-seated sense of peace, self love and fulfilment that emanates from within. As an Inner Freedom Coach, I focus on helping others realize this state of liberation, guiding them through their unique challenges with compassion and tailored strategies.


I chose this path because I believe in the transformative power of self-discovery and the resilience of the human spirit. My approach is rooted in the conviction that true healing begins when individuals embrace their inherent strengths and learn to navigate their lives with confidence and independence.


By calling myself an Inner Freedom Coach, I am committed to supporting others in not just surviving but thriving, helping them to unlock their inner strength and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and joy. Together, we explore the tools and mindsets needed to cultivate a life unburdened by the past and feeling freedom within your soul.

Fun Facts About Me 

  • Memory Maker: I have a passion for preserving memories. Whether it's through photographs or creative pages in albums, capturing life's moments is a joy for me. Each album is a storybook of life's precious chapters.

  • The Purple Pink Lady: My love for purple and pink isn't just a preference—it's a part of who I am. These colours represent joy and creativity in my life, and you will often find me surrounded by these cheerful hues in all aspects of my life.​

  • Harmony Creator: I believe in the power of a peaceful and bright environment. My space is a vibrant sanctuary adorned with plants, happy colours, candles, all carefully chosen to create a cheery décor that radiates peace and tranquillity. It's a vital part of my overall wellbeing, providing a sense of calm and joy in my daily life.

  • Dog Lover: Dogs hold a special place in my heart. Their loyalty and unconditional love are constant reminders of the emotional richness of life. Caring for them brings me immense joy and keeps my days filled with laughter and companionship.

I Believe You Have What It Takes

Woman Sitting on Rock Heart Hand

Own Your Journey. Live It Fully!

Every person holds within them the seeds of resilience and recovery, even if they are yet to be discovered or fully realized. I believe deeply in your potential—not just to overcome the challenges you face but to emerge stronger and more fulfilled than ever before. It’s not just about surviving; it’s about thriving, harnessing your innate strengths, and redefining what is possible for your life.


Throughout my own journey, I have learned that the key to unlocking this potential is a blend of genuine support, understanding, and actionable strategies that respect your individuality and circumstances. That’s why I’m here: to offer that support, to be a guide by your side as you navigate your path to a feeling of total inner freedom. I provide not just advice but a partnership, one that honours your story and amplifies your voice.


You have an incredible capacity for transformation. With the right tools and a nurturing environment, there’s no limit to the growth you can achieve. Let’s embark on this journey together, discovering the strength that lies within you and using it to build a future that is rich with freedom and joy.

Discover your true voice and
embrace a life rich in
self-love and genuine fulfilment

If you are ready to overcome barriers, reclaim your self-worth, and access the deeper authenticity that awaits, let’s start this empowering journey together.

Step into a supportive community for personalised coaching, engaging workshops, motivational blog posts, and invaluable free resources—all designed to guide and inspire you as you transform into the life you truly deserve.

Quote - Susan Jeffers

Let's Talk Heart to Heart

Ready to take a step forward,

requires courage, but it marks the beginning of your journey towards inner freedom.

I am here to support you every step of the way—let’s start this journey towards a stronger, empowered you.

Woman Feeling Free and Happy
Woman Writing In Her Journal
Woman Blowing Bubbles Feeling  Happy

Empower Your Journey!

Let's Grow and Heal Together!

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Feel Inner Freedom

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